Being out in the water, just you on your surfboard, taking time in the waves and enjoying the natural beauty of the ocean is one of the best experiences that you can have. Surfing has always been about leaving technology behind, and keeping things very simple. However, there are a few gadgets out there now that can make your surf holiday even better. So to help you on your way to an even more memorable surf session, here are our top 5 water gadgets:
- Go Pro

It seems like every other surfer has one of these, but the waterproof sport video cameras are fun in a little tiny box. Everyone likes to have proof of their surfing ability, so the Go Pro can be fixed to the nose or tail of the board, your wrist or helmet, and can produce some amazing footage of your rides. Just be careful though that you don't record yourself on small waves or dropping in on someone... it's just plain embarrassing.
- Hand held camera

This one is for the more advanced/crazy surfer. Normally used by surf photography professionals to take awesome photos of surfers from within the waves, hand held waterproof cameras are being taken to another level by some surfers. A few surfers who can manage to paddle into waves with their camera set up on a stick that they hold in their hand. Some of the angles created and view points are completely breathtaking.
- Waterproof ipod set

For when you just don't want to hear the other people chatting in the water, the wave behind you, or simply to get yourself amped in the surf... the waterproof housing sets that are now available for your ipod or mp3 players are a godsend.
- Heated Vest

No surfer likes to don a wetsuit and paddle out in freezing conditions, but sometimes it's just necessary. So the invention of electric body warmers that heat up your lower back and kidneys has been a well welcomed addition to many a mid winter surfer. Check out Quiksilver's heated rash vest if you feel the need already.
- Waterproof Pouches

Sometimes the simplest of gadgets can be the most useful. Waterproof pouches for your car key or money and cards can be a life saver. Gone are the days when you hid your car key under your tyre, only to find at best that someone had found it (how? It was so well hidden,) and had stolen your stuff from your car, or at worst... your car had simply disappeared. Thank you tiny plastic pouches, you make our lives easier.