The overall winner of the holiday to La Concha Surf Bungalows in Fuerteventura is Dave Lindt
The twenty runner up prizes of a €100 discount voucher are:
- Colin Burgess
- Sean Mc Elhatton
- Cian Murphy
- Niall O Shea
- Amy Mclaughlin
- Lee Wilde
- Eric Johnson
- Cara Brock
- Jules Gray
- Andrew Stanley
- Jenny Farrah
- Aoife Kernan
- Dillon Kavanagh
- Alan Murphy
- Hannah Dolan
- Michelle Rafter
- Lianne Donnelly
- Michael Ellis
- Aoife Collins
- Menno Klok
Each winner has been contacted via email from the address provided in the entry form. If your name is mentioned above and you have not received an email please contact us - you may have made an error in your email address when writing it.
Thank you to everyone who entered and watch out for more competions and offers on our facebook page or our homepage