One of the best and hardest decisions you can ever make is to start caring for yourself and improving your fitness. It's amazing how easy it is to focus on everyone else, things going on around us, or even how we all just don't feel like we can do something.
January is full of advice on new year's resolutions that we know we will break, but that we hope will miraculously transform us into a better version of ourselves. It can be demotivating to put on that much pressure, so how would it look if we just ‘started' to improve our fitness? Introducing new fun ways of keeping our training up, or maybe even starting for the first time, can do wonders for our self image and fitness. So here are a few tips for regular living that will help get us on our way to being surf fit and ready for our next surf holiday...
- Buddy up- exercise

‘More' is ‘more' sometimes, and when it comes to working out, getting off the sofa and exercising, having a workout buddy is the ‘more' we all need. When you least feel like doing that training session, run, swim, class or even cold water surf, having your buddy ask you to join them is a great motivator. If you don't know anyone who's up for working out with you, then join a club- meet new people and change your lifestyle that little bit.
- Change it up- diet

It feels great when you're on holiday, surfing and getting in the ocean everyday, we are really connected to our bodies, know what's good for them and what to avoid. However, when we're at home it can be difficult to break from bad food habits and often our bodies are left second to our emotional or energy levels. There's a reason why the saying ‘old habits die hard' exists, and with unhealthy food it definitely fits the bill. So if there's something that you want to change, whether it's to eat more fruit and vegetables, or steer clear of the take-outs, make a point of changing one thing a week. Try it out, see how your body feels, and live normally with it.
- Online trainers- motivation

For when you really need a shake up and some motivation to kick start improving your fitness, use online trainer sites. We all spend a lot of time online during the course of the week, so why not check in with sites like magazine site www.menshealth.co.uk, Gabby Reece's www.gabbydaily.com, or fitness buddies Karena and Katrina's site https://toneitup.com.