Whether you've spent months planning your surf holiday, or are ready to go surf today, making the most of your time in the water is essential.
One of the best ways to prepare for your surf session is to have an energy boosting snack beforehand. Then, after your great time out in the waves, it'll be food-o'clock, so choose healthy muscle feeding foods to help replace the energy burned and help build a stronger and fitter surfing body for yourself.... You'll be ready for your next session before you know it.

- Smoothie - time to get creative, try using either a fruit juice base with frozen fruits, or for something more filling, a milk, banana base with oats, frozen fruit again and even a teaspoon of peanut butter... sounds strange but will make the smoothie thicker
- Coffee - this may be surprising, but the caffeine in coffee can be just the boost you need to help paddle that bit harder whilst surfing.
- Banana - a quick energy boost and full of good vitamins and minerals
- Cereal - this one's for the breakfast addict, a small bowl of cereal will contain a good amount of carbohydrates that will release their energy over the next 3 - 4 hours. Perfect for a good surf session.
- Flapjack/Nuts - for a quick snack, the oats in flapjacks will keep you going for hours with their slow energy release, whereas nuts contain the right amount of healthy oils and calories to keep you surfing for longer

- Anything mexican - simply because it tastes amazing and tends to be clean healthy food... think brown rice, salsa, lean meats and lots of vegetables all stuffed in your tortilla wrap. Delicious.
- Jacket potato with filling: tuna/bean/cheese/egg mayo - time to refuel with the natural carbs found in the jacket potato and the protein in the filling that will help repair muscle tissue. For an added boost, eat the potato skin as it is the part that contains the most vitamins of the potato.
- Brown rice/whole wheat pasta with fresh veg and chicken or quorn - make the most of getting some healthy protein in you to help your surfed out arms. Choose organic chicken where possible or the tasty veggie equivalent of quorn.
- Milk or OJ - the quickest answer to hunger: got milk? Full of calcium, protein and energy, milk will stave off hunger until you are ready to eat a proper meal. Whereas, if milk isn't your thing, then down some orange juice to replenish your vitamin C levels and give yourself a calorie boost... just remember this is only a temporary fix until your next meal.
- Prawn, vegetable and noodle stir fry - seafood is some of the easiest protein to digest, so have fun creating oriental inspired stir fries with egg noodles, green leafy vegetables, prawns, scallops and shrimp to name but a few.